Monday, March 27, 2017

drug and alcohol centers

drug and alcohol centers

(music).we continue now with our 12-part series, reclaim your life. today, our journey takes a holisticapproach to recovery as we meet the people at transformations drug and alcohol treatmentcenter in delray beach, florida who are offering a new way to balance brain chemistry in battlingaddiction. what really makes us unique is the extentof our holistic program. our program is probably the most comprehensive in the industry, andwhen we have people come in here, typically they're very depleted nutritionally. so, welook at it as our goal to try to get them as healthy as we can in the shortest timepossible. we only have like 30 days to do it, so we've got to get them there as quicklyas possible so that they start feeling better,

so that they don't leave the program, andthey get more out of the program. as a licensed chiropractor, dr. tracy sandsis the inventor of the holistic protocols and products used at transformations drugand alcohol treatment center in delray beach, florida. it's a program designed to restore,repair, and balance the brain chemistry of each, doctor, i understand a lot of people that come here, a lot of your patients, havea chemical imbalance. mm-hmm.why is that? typically, whatever substance they've beenabusing, it depletes the brain chemistry. mm-hmm.and there's two main chemicals in the brain

that are depleted. typically alcohol and opiateswill deplete serotonin, dopamine, and so forth. and until we get these chemicals back wherethey need to be, the person is just not going to feel very well.and how important is that dopamine serotonin balance? why is it important?it's extremely important because dopamine and serotonin are the key chemicals that thebrain needs to function properly, and unless they come back to normal, the person is notgoing to feel well. they're not going to be able to sleep. they're going to have significantinsomnia. they're going to be anxious. they're going to be depressed. and, typically, that'swhy someone wants to leave so early is because they don't feel well, and the only thing that'sgoing to make them feel better is to get those

chemicals back where they need to be.and how do you actually then, let's say, balance the brain chemistry through an adjustment?we actually provide the client with a number of different products. we have about 30 differentproducts that we use. several of them we've developed right here at transformations, andthey're specifically formulated to restore dopamine and serotonin in the quickest possiblemanner. it's mostly the prescription of vitamins, and supplements, amino acids. amino acidsare the building blocks for all hormones and brain chemicals. so, it's essential that weuse those types of products. the medications and drugs can't do this at all. it has tobe done with specific nutritional products that can restore i know a chiropractor is on-site, and

it's part of the recovery process. how doesthat help? chiropractor is great for helping a personfeel better right away as well. it's an instantaneous type of response. it's known for releasingendorphins right away. so, we can put a hand on them and start the healing process as soonas we lay a hand on them. and it's a very gentle process. so, anytime we can adjustthem and get a hand on them, then that's what it's all's almost like a natural high that's good. it is. it's a natural high. it's releasingendorphins, and that's what chiropractic does that's been proven beyond any shadow of adoubt. it releases the endorphins, and those are your feel good hormones, your naturalopiates.

good nutrition and exercise are also partof this treatment that takes a holistic approach to getting well. and while the holistic approachis not mandatory, most patients sign on because it can put them on the fast-track to recovery.the chiropractor here is great. you're so sore when you're coming off whatever drugyou're on or alcohol. you know, it helps you move around a little bit better. it's helpedquite a bit. it's vitamins in the morning, vitamins to help you sleep at night. you know,it's made a difference. doctor, i know this program, or this partof the recovery process, is voluntary. so some choose to come through it. others don' you see a difference between those who have and those who have chosen not to?we absolutely do. the program is open to everyone.

not everyone, unfortunately, volunteers forthe program. the difference is huge. it's gigantic. within one week, we have clientsthat are sleeping normally again, which is almost unheard of at this stage of the game.their anxiety goes from like an 8 down to like a 2, a 3, or a 4. it's a dramatic differencebetween those that do the program and those that don' not only physically, emotionally, and i would even say spiritually?all the way around. all the way around. the road to recovery can be a difficult journeyfor those who are working to overcome addiction, but the holistic approach can be a healthyway to empower treatment on that journey so that patients feel better naturally.(music).

we hope you'll continue to join us as we showyou how these unique programs, which set transformations drug and alcohol treatment center apart canhelp others as well. remember, for more information, you can go to transformationstreatment.centeror our website, (music).

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