Thursday, March 30, 2017

drug rehab chicago

drug rehab chicago

hi, i'm mike duffy, and i'm the presidentof duffy's napa valley. we're a family business for a family dad was a skid-row alcoholic in chicago who got sobered up through alcoholics 1967, my dad founded this place in calistoga, california, and started duffy's of the things that makes duffy's unique is that we have a program that is developedaround a 12-step philosophy, but we've added our own experience to give somebody a reallypractical, down-to-earth recovery path that a family business, we look at the guests that come through the programs here at duffy'sas really a part of our extended family. we want to make sure that everybody we treathere at duffy's is given the same dignity

and respect as we would a family member. fromthe very first moment that we hear from somebody in need of treatment, we begin a relationshipthat is much like the relationship we would have if it were a brother or sister of ourscoming to check in. one of the things we hear regularly from ourguests is how important the impact of our staff is in their early recovery process.from the intake coordinator to the guest services people through the counseling staff and thepresentations and our educational program, we try to keep a down-to-earth, comfortabletone. the program that we are conducting here isreally trying to build life skills for somebody to live a life of lasting sobriety when theyleave here. having a real life experience

while they're in treatment is very importantso that when they get out into the real world they can just continue doing what they'vebeen doing here. our program is not about just doing; we wantto teach, we want to discipline, and we want to make sure they leave here with the toolsthat they will need to live a life of recovery. through the years we've treated over 34,000people. we really count that a privilege; it's a sacred trust to be given charge ofsomeone's life for a short period of time to try to turn them around and get them pointedin the right direction. if by some chance we could help you and yourfamily, we would consider that a great honor and a great privilege, and would just askthat you pick up the phone and give us a call


drug rehab centers

drug rehab centers

abuse in the name of treatment: drug detention centres in asia this is horrible! i knowi know, we try we try, we try, we try! look at them! they are crying! in asia, drug users are often arrested on the basis of a positive urine test or an allegation by a neighbour. these people can be detained for up to 5 years in compulsory rehabilitation centres without a trial, the possibility of appeal, or a medical evaluation.

the number of people in these camps is estimated at 400 000 in china, vietnam and cambodia alone. people are systematically tortured, sexually abused and starved in these centres. in some countries, they are forced to work without pay, often in the service of private companies that contract for forced labour with these centres. how do people get into these camps? in a lot of cases, it is street-sweeps and in some cases, where police have a specific quota for picking up drug users, they wait outside methadone centres – for example, in china

– and they see people coming out of those centres and pick them up. what kind of human rights abuses happen in these camps? first of all, forced labour is a human rights abuse in and of itself. you may know that there is international law that says you can make prisoners work, but these people are not prisoners. they have never seen a lawyer or a judge. if you break the rules, and there are many, many rules, i have talked to people who have been recently released from centres, where as a result of smoking a cigarette, or drinking tea, or disobeying the “teachers”

–which are untrained guards who are telling them what to do – they are put into torture rooms, hung by one or both arms, made to kneel on glass or sharp objects, forced to squat in water in rooms too small to stand up in, and they do not want to lie down because they do not want to lie down in water, starved, and beaten. the working conditions, people often work until their hands are bloody. they are told that if they are pretending to be sick, they will be beaten. so they are dragged out of bed and beaten if they do not meet their quota. they are deprived of bathing privileges, deprived of food,

told that if they cannot make their quota, that is fine, they can just work all night. if you talk to people who use drugs in india, who have been to these centres, you will get a lot of horror stories of people being chained for 6-7 months, people being beaten up, tortured. sometimes, being in jail would be better because then at least you would have access to the legal system. whereas if you are in a compulsory treatment centre, you have no access to the legal system. in china, we interviewed a former guard in one of the drug detention centres. we asked him why the centre was testing routinely everyone for hiv

and not giving anyone their results. and the guard frankly said, “'well, we test people to find out which of the women is hiv positive to know who we need to used a condom with. and then we have sex with them and then we give them heroin to comfort them afterwards.'” we asked this guard also about physical abuse, about beatings of the drug users in these centres. and he said, “'well yeah, that happens'.”

we asked him about how often this happens and he said “'well about 10%'.” we asked, “'how do you calculate 10%?'” he said, “'well, anything higher than 10% would be a human rights problem'.” sometimes people go into the camps voluntarily because their families are desperate. but even those people who enter voluntarily cannot leave voluntarily. and if they try to leave before the expiration of their contract, sometimes the ‘big brothers’ and‘big sisters’, who are the more senior detainees,

or the guards beat them, break their legs, etcetera. there are detention camps, where hundreds of people are kept in the name of drug control, can you clarify the european commission’s position on that? we do not believe in coerced treatment of people with drug addiction. we have always placed human rights and fundamental rights at the top of our agenda on drugs. i believe that boot camps like this are an abomination. they do not work. the relapse rate is incredibly high

and there is no scientific basis for them what so ever. is the camp effective in deterring them from using drugs in the future? even by the countries’ own accounts, about as many as 95% of people return to drug use. what does the science tell us about mandatory treatment in general? is it effective? there is a lot of evidence saying that any residential treatment that is longer than 3 to 6 months is not effective.

keeping someone in an artificial environment for years does not increase the capacity for someone to re-engage with the society. is there any correlation between being detained in a camp and the risk of hiv transmission? absolutely. there is a lot of evidence from vietnam, from china showing that there is an increased risk of hiv because, of course, people still use drugs in the camps. people tend to share needles more frequently in a camp than in the community. can you explain how the un institutions,

especially unicef, where involved in the maintenance of these camps? when we first came out with our report on cambodia, we documented abuses against children in these centres and unicef was funding one of the centres and was very defensive. [they] suggested that we had our facts wrong, that we had the sites wrong. after a long period of advocacy, they really've really acknowledged that these centres were abusive. and it is not just unicef, it is also the us government that is funding activities in these centres,

the global fund has in the past funded activities in these centres. you cannot have voluntary hiv testing in a forced labour camp. you cannot have peer-to-peer education in a forced labour camp. these centres need to be closed down and voluntary community-based drug dependency – effective –programs need to be put in place. indup and endup do not approve of compulsory treatment centres. we do not want them. we would like to see voluntary treatment centres.

i would like to welcome the executive director, antonio maria costa, this morning. thousands of people are detained in the name of drug control. is there any way that you and unodc can engage in a dialogue with the cambodian government to improve that situation? we are certainly looking into that, not only as unodc we have a very small operation in cambodia, but within the un system. i would like to make sure that the un system at large, the country team in particular, is focused on this;

not only on the goal but also on the closure of the detention centres which are at the heart of the problem. we must be prepared to speak out about human right abuses where ever they occur. the crimes which are being committed today in the name of drug detention must be denounced. all compulsory drug detention centres should be closed and replaced

by drug treatment facilities that work and that conform to ethical standards and human rights norms. what is the ethical dilemma for donors? is it to improve the situation in the camps or to close down the camps? you know, i think this is a very complicated question, which is if you know that terrible things are happening in a facility but that people are suffering, what do you do? this is certainly as old as the concentration camp discussion. if people are starving to death in a concentration camp,

do you go in and serve them food? what is the point at which you would say compromising with this system is what is called a rotten compromise. it is making a deal with something that is so fundamentally broken and abusive that you are actually doing more harm than good. and if you cannot be willing to contemplate pulling out, then in fact you should not be engaged in these places in the first place, because we are not talking about prisons – which are necessary.

they may be evil, difficult places, but they are necessary. we are talking about illegal, unnecessary, ineffective, cruel institutions. the closure of these centres is possible. kohl kor centre, pictured at the beginning of this film, was closed in 2008 due to immense pressure on the cambodian government from human rights organisations. the unicef funded chom chow centre was shut down in june 2010 and the children held there were returned to their families.

stop the abuse in the name of treatment! close the camps now! for more information read these human rights watch reports. subtitled by hunter holliman

drug rehab centers near me

drug rehab centers near me

(music).today we continue our 12-part series reclaim your life. the road to recovery takes manyroutes. one way is through faith as i found out when i visited transformations drug andalcohol treatment center in delray beach, florida, and met the people who are changinglives through their beliefs. the christian faith based program is uniquein the aspect that it embraces all people with any hurt, habit, or hang-up. so, that'sthe whole general population. everyone has one. if it gets to a point where it needsto be, let's say for example the person decides to numb it, then addiction comes into play.that's where we intersect the pathway. brett schrock knows all about the importanceof spiritual health for a recovering addict.

as an ordained pastor and the director ofthe christian faith based program at transformations treatment center in delray beach, florida,he stresses that addiction is not a moral failing, but rather a medical disease thatcan be treated successfully. we have a specific design program that addressesfaith, hope, and love. we want people to be able to experience, maybe for the first timein a long time, what an authentic hope is, what a renewed faith is, what unconditionallove is, and only god can provide to us. brett, what do you say to someone who is sufferingfrom an addiction, and they feel they have failed? they failed their moral values, theirfaith. they failed. what do you say? i say don't give up. at all costs, don't giveup. god never wastes a hurt. god will not

leave us or forsake us. the bible tells usthat. we are not alone in our travails and in our challenges. and so what we've doneis, again, we've put together a 12-step program that's christ-centered in its nature. we'vebrought together tools, methods, and support to help our clients have the best experiencethat they can have to put them on an upward trajectory of recovery.they come to transformations from every background, age, and gender; many who have lost hope afteryears of addiction. the goal of the christian faith based program is to provide a spiritualpathway for them to find personal healing and restoration through their faith.we've been here many times at transformations treatment center, and i've noticed it's adiverse group. how do you have them share

the spiritual pathway?well the spiritual pathway is based on a variety of things. it's actually tangible's prayer. it's worship time. so, when people sing they have a camaraderie that naturallycomes with that. it's fun. for a lot of people that haven't been inflicted with a chemicalfor a period of time or had that experience with their chemical addiction, they don'tthey think they can have fun without it. so when they start to experience fun by singingand by studying god's truth, it opens up a whole new corridor of what living can puts them on a new pathway, if you will. while many other treatment centers may believethat simply providing transportation to religious services is all that's needed to be a providerof christian faith based programming, transformations

is unique in that it offers so much more includingits own chapel, an ordained pastor, a clinical staff of committed faith based followers,and even its own music minister. music is one of those anomalies that can eitherbe background noise or it can be a forefront of life. and so here at transformations wetry to take it from background noise to actually being a part of the recovery process, whereyou can actually listen to a piece of music that takes you out of your head and gets youto a point where you're no longer craving or no longer obsessing over something that'smaybe unhealthy or could be fatal, to where it takes you out of that and you're able toprocess where am i at, what am i doing, what the truth that i need to reflect on? so, it'shuge.

(singing).when you go through the struggle and then recovering from the struggle, you can listen to thesesongs and you just feel this burning inside of you. it just like raises you up onto adifferent level, and you just have this connection with god that is just, it's incredible.(singing). how have you seen that music has helped arecovering addict? i've seen tears shed. i've seen people laugh.i've seen smiles come to faces where i haven't seen any smiles at all during the course ofmy time with the client. and i've seen a freedom from a spiritual standpoint birthed throughthe process of worship. it's a fascinating phenomenon. it's an amazing thing to witness.would you agree that the christian faith based

program here can truly change a life?yes, i've seen it happen. i've seen it happen. restoring hope, changing lives, creating's what the christian faith based program is all about, and what transformations drugand alcohol treatment center offers to recovering addicts.and we hope you'll continue to join us in our series as we show you how these uniqueprograms which set transformations drug and alcohol treatment center apart can help othersas well. next time we'll be taking a holistic approach to recovery. remember, for more informationyou can go to or our website,

drug rehab centers in florida

drug rehab centers in florida

drug addiction treatment center south florida teen substance abuse and recovery substance abuse has been seen in adults formany years. in the last few decades however, the appearance of addiction has begun to spreadrapidly over the population of teenagers around the world. teen rehab facilities in southflorida have been started and are growing because of the growing population of addictionin teenagers. statistics show that the age of an average drug or alcohol consumptionis at the age of 13. this is a lot different compared to the average age being the ageof 18 just decades earlier. the appearance of drugs and alcohol in the adolescence hasstarted with the appearance of the substances

in school systems around the world. drug traffickersare using younger kids to sell, transport and distribute drugs through the system. thisis mainly because of the laws that protect a person under age if they are caught withthe substance. drug traffickers use kids by manipulating them and threatening them todo their dirty work. drug rehabilitation can be especially hard on children because manyof them do not fully understand the effects that substance abuse can have on the body.they are also more vulnerable than many adults. because the organs may not be fully developedin a child the effects of substance abuse can be much worse than they are in a fullgrown adult. teenage alcohol abuse is very common in the world. there are many placesa teenager can go to get help. the biggest

thing that can help a person through recoveryis having the support and help from their family and friends that are in their life.however a person who suffers substance abuse should change their habits in life and maybenot include those people involved in the appearance of the abuse in the teenagers life.

drug rehab arizona

drug rehab arizona

it is generally agreed that young adults whosuffer from addiction have more difficulty achieving sobriety than their adult counterpartsand therefore need a young adult drug rehab that recognizes there special needs. treating addiction in young people requiresa comprehensive treatment plan that is designed to address the specific issues that youngadults face. research on brain development has shown thatthe young adult brain continues to develop until around the age of 25. research alsoshows that this population has a need to participate in activities that they perceive as risky.this combined with having a decreased ability to control impulses compared to adults, setsthese younger people up for a higher chance

of drug abuse and addiction. a young adult drug rehab needs to have increasedstaff for supervision and monitoring of the daily structured living as compared to a traditionaladult rehab. because a young adult drug addict might experienceissues of delayed development, a rehab should provide treatment activities focusing on developmentalneeds. this will ultimately increase the likelihood of long term recovery success. treating addiction in young people in a youngadult drug rehab or young adult alcohol rehab means understanding what oftentimes makesthis disease more difficult to treat than in their adult counterparts:a young adult's decision making ability is

strongly influenced by their combination oflifestyle choices and drug use. lower tolerance and higher frustration levelsare common in young adult drug users. young adults generally have the need for instantgratification, whereby delaying any gratification is more difficult than in adults.regular use of mind and mood altering drugs can delay normal physical, mental, and emotionaldevelopment. young adults may lack the thinking skillsnecessary to fully understand consequences. coping skills and relationships are oftennegatively affected by drug use in young adults. these young people will often respond wellto the right treatment and proper guidance in regard to healthy with adults, young people often use drugs

to suppress their feelings of anxiety, shameand guilt. many times psychological disorders like depressionand bipolar and others are often diagnosed during time in treatment.inclusion of the family is important when treating young people in a young adult drugrehab. it's important to educate them as to their role in helping the young adult as theyjourney through recovery. young adult drug rehab should include activitiesand outings that specifically address the needs of this younger population like physicalexercise, sports, games, hiking, movies and more.if you ever feel powerless over the constant need for drugs, just know that there is help.doing nothing is not a viable option as this

disease will only get worse if not treated.if you or a loved one has a problem with drugs (or alcohol), recovery can start today. ifyou realize that you're spiraling out of control, take steps now.should you wait until you hit "rock bottom"? no. you may have heard that treatment is onlyeffective when a person has no other choice. not so! actually, the earlier a young adultenters drug rehab, the better chance they have of not harming themselves with destructivebehavior. you can break the cycle of addiction! evenif you feel like your drug abuse is inevitable because your parents were or are addicts,not so! while genetics may play a role, a young adult drug rehab can help you.your drug addiction won't go away just by

willing it away. the longer you use, the moreyour brain changes, making harder and harder to overcome your dependency.even if you've tried a treatment program before and relapsed, there is still hope. a goodyoung adult drug rehab can help you get back on track with your recovery.for more information about treatment in a young adult rehab, for drugs or alcohol, clickon the link below in the description of this video.

drug rehab & alcohol treatment center

drug rehab & alcohol treatment center

now this is almost the same feeling as wheni graduated college, and i feel like, i don't know, it's different but it's kinda' the same.and i learned so many things that i thought i knew that are preparing me to complete mylife. just, you really should feel blessed to be here because there are a lot of peopleout there that are still using, that are, you know, in jail; dead, you know you nameit. and it's just a matter of time before that happens to us as addicts, so i thankgod for bringing me here. i was at hazelton, and i was there for tendays and i got kicked out. by friday, i saw graduation coming along and i seen the lookin people's eyes. i seen the confidence, and you didn't see that at hazelton. that's just go and sit there for 28 days and

show up. this isn't easy. it's very frustrating;it's hard. you're going to have ups and downs, and you are going to get mad. you just haveto get over yourself, your pride, and your ego, and step it up because i tell you what,this thing and this program has saved my life. please just take this stuff really seriously.this is what is going to save your life. you never know when you go back out there, youstick that spike back in your arm, that could be the last time that you live. my (inaudible)goes to the lady that runs this place. her name is amber, just in case you don't knowwho she is. and that lady, if you go to her and you act like a woman or a man, and notlike a little kid, because that's what we are. we're grownups. ok, it's time for usto grow up. that's what i learned from this

place. she will help you with anything. andit starts from the top and it trickles down. and you see it in this place. this is my fourthrehab that i have been to. i have never seen a staff like the one that's here. these people, all the supervisors, they'rehere to help you. they're great. it's like, it's their job but they love to do what theydo. i want to ah thank jean first, the nurse,because without her i wouldn't have had some lifesaving surgery. thank you. appreciatethat, from the bottom of my heart, i do. when you first get here, it's kind of don't know what you are getting yourself into. a lot of people say it get's easier.i don't think it gets easier necessarily,

but it gets easier to do harder things. when i finally get to advanced tr's, and ahit finally really comes to me. it clicks why i'm doing all these tr's, how i can applyit to my life, and it really hit the goal for me basically. in a real life situation,you can confront any situation, bad, good, sad, bad, whatever you feel. you can confrontthat situation no matter what. you can really use that. and thanks to the students, everyone thatmade me feel like this was home because they are great. thanks. i came in here broken, i came in here hurt.and i tell you what i'm leaving here happier

than ever, and i ain't lettin' nothing holdme down anymore.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

drug intervention programs

drug intervention programs

for drug rehab, arizona is the home to literallyhundreds of facilities ranging from short term outpatient programs to long term residentialtreatment. some of the nation's most well-known high end treatment centers are located with-inthe borders of the state. these are "the meadows", "sierra tucson", and "cottonwood de tucson".for those without insurance and who can't pay for expensive treatment, there are manylow to medium cost, another words affordable but quality treatment options. simply no onein arizona should suffer with drug addiction while thinking they can't afford residentialcare. addiction is a disease and should be treatedas such in a drug rehab. arizona has the quality resources you need to help you, or your lovedone who's dealing with an addiction, get well.

even though about 90% of people with substanceabuse problems go through outpatient drug and alcohol treatment, it has been shown thatresidential treatment is, overall, a more effective form of drug rehabilitation. itis also well know that long term programs lasting from 3-6 months are the most effective.even though long term treatment may be the most effective, there is a significant commitmentthat must be made by the addict that impacts their job, family, and social life.for those with addiction who live in arizona, it only makes sense to utilize one of thegreat treatment options available right here within the state. and for those who live elsewhere,let's talk about arizona and why so many addicts, from all over the country, and the world,find themselves drawn to the desert southwest

for their recovery.arizona is noted for its desert climate in its southern half, with very hot summers andquite mild winters. the northern half of the state features forests of pine, douglas fir,and spruce trees, a very large, high plateau (the colorado plateau) and some mountain ranges—suchas the san francisco mountains—as well as large, deep canyons like the grand canyon,with much more moderate weather for three seasons of the year, plus significant snowfalls.there are ski resorts in the areas of flagstaff and alpine.bustling cities to silent mountains, warm desert or snowy peaks. numerous national parksand monuments, in arizona, the choice is yours -- and nowhere else will you find so muchto choose from. with five distinct regions,

dozens of national and state parks -- includingthe grand canyon -- and hundreds of towns and cities, arizona's landscape is as diverseas it is beautiful. some of the larger communities in arizonawith drug rehab facilities include phoenix --the 6th largest city in the u.s., tucson,mesa, chandler, scottsdale, flagstaff, and prescott.most of the communities in arizona have been very welcoming to the drug rehab communitymaking arizona drug rehab friendly. do to the close proximity of recreationalopportunities, some of the long term drug treatment programs even offer adventure basedtherapy which may include hiking, backpacking, snowboarding, rock climbing, and a host ofother activities.

some of the drug rehabs in arizona also offeralternative forms of therapy such as equine therapy, life coaching, and vitamin/mineraltherapy. a growing trend among the quality rehab centerswithin the state is the use of neurofeedback to help the addict retrain his brain and successfullymount a long term recovery program. research states that this aides in long term prognosis,reduced anxiety and depression and resolution of add/adhd and you can see, arizona offers cutting edge treatment for those suffering from drug andalcohol addiction. take that life saving step today for you orsomeone you care about, by looking into drug rehab centers in arizona.when considering drug rehab, arizona should

be on the top of your list for destinationswhere you can get the help you need and begin the healing process. for more informationabout individual drug treatment programs that we recommend, please click on the link belowin the description of this video.