are you addicted or merely dependent?the truth is, it doesn't really matter when it comes to controlled substances. whetherit's illicit drugs like heroin, cocaine, or meth, or maybe prescription drugs like painkillers, muscle relaxants, and sedatives commonly known as benzos. or perhaps you are self-medicatingwith alcohol. the fact is, it is a problem that's getting in the way of your life andit can quickly take over - residential drug treatment programs can you ever ask yourself the question, "am i addicted?" or perhaps "do i have a drugor alcohol problem?" have those who care about you noticed a changein your behavior? especially around drugs or alcohol? we are often in denial about ourown substance abuse or addictions and we are
the last to admit that we need help.maybe you don't think you need to seriously consider any residential drug treatment programsbecause you believe you can handle or deal with the problem on your own. you may be right,but statistics show that you likely need help. do the right thing! for yourself -- and thosewho love you. residential drug treatment programs can assistwith both the physiological and psychological aspects of addiction. outpatient rehab mayhelp with your physical withdrawal symptoms but it's the psychological cravings that aremuch more difficult to address. in a good inpatient treatment program, the psychologicalaspect of addiction is worked through with a variety of different approaches.we know that drug and alcohol addiction is
a disease that has biological, psychological,and social causes. as with other chronic medical conditions (like cancer), addictions varyin severity and complexity, they also involve aspects of personal choice, and success isoften complicated by relapse. the complexity of addiction requires goodresidential drug treatment programs that can address the full range of these biological,psychological and social issues. there are certain medications (like suboxone) that canhelp with withdrawal symptoms. there are individual and group therapy sessions to help one focuson the psychological dependence that occurs with the use of drugs and alcohol in an effortto cope with life's problems. there is technology, like neurofeedback, that can help a personretrain their addicted brain. there is social
support that is vital in helping one withtheir rehabilitation and recovery. here are some things to look for while researchingquality residential drug treatment programs: the program addresses the physical, spiritualand emotional effects of drug and alcohol addiction.offer complementary medicine approaches including mindfulness, meditation and spirituality.participants in the program are treated with respect and their expertise and perspectivesare honored. clients are held responsible for their owndecisions but they are never judged -- they are only guided in wise decision making.natural social, recreational and family reinforcers are used to help clients change, while givingfamily and friends positive and productive
ways to support the client's recovery.the program has professional staff with a solid understanding of addiction, perhapsrecovering addicts themselves. the program should focus on wellness, withactivities designed to improve self-care, through stress management, exercise and nutrition.they should use a variety of (research proven) tools like neurofeedback to help with theclients' long term recovery. the program should be able to meet the clientwhere the client is at, and not force a one-size-fits-all treatment approach down their throat.and finally, the program should be affordable! residential drug treatment programs or inpatientprograms usually require a commitment of at least 30 days and typically include room andboard. research has shown that longer programs,
lasting anywhere from 3-6 months, may helpthe client be more successful with their recovery. ultimately, the client needs to show up andbe an active participant in their rehabilitation. quality programs can only do so much. it isimperative that the client be motivated about their own recovery. often, a client will begintreatment lacking the personal motivation to recover, but a good treatment program willhelp the individual find the inspiration and desire to get well.if you or someone you love has a substance abuse or addiction problem, it is importantthat you act today. one of the programs that we highly recommend, as it meets all the criteriaof quality residential drug treatment programs is listed below in the description of thisvideo. it is time to take action now!
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