Thursday, April 6, 2017

free drug rehab centers

free drug rehab centers

(music).today we continue our 12-part series reclaim your life. the road to recovery takes manyroutes. one way is through faith as i found out when i visited transformations drug andalcohol treatment center in delray beach, florida, and met the people who are changinglives through their beliefs. the christian faith based program is uniquein the aspect that it embraces all people with any hurt, habit, or hang-up. so, that'sthe whole general population. everyone has one. if it gets to a point where it needsto be, let's say for example the person decides to numb it, then addiction comes into play.that's where we intersect the pathway. brett schrock knows all about the importanceof spiritual health for a recovering addict.

as an ordained pastor and the director ofthe christian faith based program at transformations treatment center in delray beach, florida,he stresses that addiction is not a moral failing, but rather a medical disease thatcan be treated successfully. we have a specific design program that addressesfaith, hope, and love. we want people to be able to experience, maybe for the first timein a long time, what an authentic hope is, what a renewed faith is, what unconditionallove is, and only god can provide to us. brett, what do you say to someone who is sufferingfrom an addiction, and they feel they have failed? they failed their moral values, theirfaith. they failed. what do you say? i say don't give up. at all costs, don't giveup. god never wastes a hurt. god will not

leave us or forsake us. the bible tells usthat. we are not alone in our travails and in our challenges. and so what we've doneis, again, we've put together a 12-step program that's christ-centered in its nature. we'vebrought together tools, methods, and support to help our clients have the best experiencethat they can have to put them on an upward trajectory of recovery.they come to transformations from every background, age, and gender; many who have lost hope afteryears of addiction. the goal of the christian faith based program is to provide a spiritualpathway for them to find personal healing and restoration through their faith.we've been here many times at transformations treatment center, and i've noticed it's adiverse group. how do you have them share

the spiritual pathway?well the spiritual pathway is based on a variety of things. it's actually tangible's prayer. it's worship time. so, when people sing they have a camaraderie that naturallycomes with that. it's fun. for a lot of people that haven't been inflicted with a chemicalfor a period of time or had that experience with their chemical addiction, they don'tthey think they can have fun without it. so when they start to experience fun by singingand by studying god's truth, it opens up a whole new corridor of what living can puts them on a new pathway, if you will. while many other treatment centers may believethat simply providing transportation to religious services is all that's needed to be a providerof christian faith based programming, transformations

is unique in that it offers so much more includingits own chapel, an ordained pastor, a clinical staff of committed faith based followers,and even its own music minister. music is one of those anomalies that can eitherbe background noise or it can be a forefront of life. and so here at transformations wetry to take it from background noise to actually being a part of the recovery process, whereyou can actually listen to a piece of music that takes you out of your head and gets youto a point where you're no longer craving or no longer obsessing over something that'smaybe unhealthy or could be fatal, to where it takes you out of that and you're able toprocess where am i at, what am i doing, what the truth that i need to reflect on? so, it'shuge.

(singing).when you go through the struggle and then recovering from the struggle, you can listen to thesesongs and you just feel this burning inside of you. it just like raises you up onto adifferent level, and you just have this connection with god that is just, it's incredible.(singing). how have you seen that music has helped arecovering addict? i've seen tears shed. i've seen people laugh.i've seen smiles come to faces where i haven't seen any smiles at all during the course ofmy time with the client. and i've seen a freedom from a spiritual standpoint birthed throughthe process of worship. it's a fascinating phenomenon. it's an amazing thing to witness.would you agree that the christian faith based

program here can truly change a life?yes, i've seen it happen. i've seen it happen. restoring hope, changing lives, creating's what the christian faith based program is all about, and what transformations drugand alcohol treatment center offers to recovering addicts.and we hope you'll continue to join us in our series as we show you how these uniqueprograms which set transformations drug and alcohol treatment center apart can help othersas well. next time we'll be taking a holistic approach to recovery. remember, for more informationyou can go to or our website,

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