yeah so this is a ben ullrich here, i'm new with the ibogaine clinic, ive been here afew months my video actually just went up not too long ago but unfortunately itcan be here at the right now but we still wanted to get an interview withrobert here came all the way from canada right down two mexico ago and iago even though you know everything is legal in canada it is it in some parts but not the part i was in yeah so yeah but i just really did youknow we took another little video when
you first got here we wanted to updateyou know you ll see you was it wasn't everything back therepromise the video that i first got here i couldn't imagine that this would happen, i haven't seen it i was was a mess, well we are going to show you yeah i came here from canada i i was on methadones then we like it herefor five years living clean clean lifestyle no drinking give up drinking years agodrugs i did smoke but that was related to
the methadone i picked up how i got all themethadone was to a short time period of taking oxys recreationally yeah recognition and i took it fordepression and ptsd i had lost a brother and an accident and that i was taking itfor them for the impression that my brother died just it spiked it andtook it out of control so there was a good that six to eightmonths for got out and i realized it was ruining my life marriage family and youjust help your kids for kids and loving life for kids and i needed help so on i was afraid to go to withdrawal to goto a rehab and i went to my doctor's of
what away he goes going out the dough i heard it does goodso okay i didn't know about it was a hurry toknow what it did and when i'm sure all your boxes but then you know four yearsfive years later i realized it stole my soul my personality everything from me was it was terror i woke up every morning feeling like myback's and vice and pains aches, some depression super tconstipation it just wasn't myself and to be clearthey kind of made it sound like
methadone was good it was making youclean right - yeah exactly they take you for a hot seat which thereis withdrawals from but they're not so bad compared to the withdrawals frommethadone so dad you want to do that they don't tell me now oversized now we're not going to tellyou know we're going to take you from driving this you know bad and put you onsomething that it's actually worse methodone and suboxone and both justdrawing people i've turned into robots business it's crazy and then so i bought a monthago or so i was desperate
i could not imagine us living the restof my life on the i to me was a sense and so i on internet look around somehow i stumbled across an interviewand i watched it and i heard all side effect to it was it can help open edition it just blew my mind sothen the next month i just absorbed it right there any devoted there's lots ofdifferent places and clinics doing things that give you information cameacross the david's website i mean here in the army play play the part
it's just more watches videos and wherei felt at peace and i see people like me getting results it's just there's only one could believethat i felt more peace with with with us rain so right well i'm you said you call you're telling me you called the otherleaders call a couple different ideas which is desperate i emailed everybody when they tell youabout the methadone that i would i would have to switch to a short-acting opiatefor there was general response one we do we
30 days 60 days each one to tell yousomething i've never told you feel like pretty much to go to street drugs forsomeone i know and to bond emailed me back and i said okay so how am isupposed to go to my doctor and you say i don't know if they're not going to dothat you're going to have it down already rated customer so i was justcouldn't live with that ever do is talk about how you don't have to switch over so number one day at work i got on thephone and i called the number which i saw the videos and gentlemen answer the phone peter gettinga lot of comfort want peace is very
question that had also treated forsuboxone yes he was he was giving his testimonyactually watch this test one video a lot of peace after talking to him when idon't talk to my wife showing why some videos of david and a team and everybodystories and soon as she saw it goes that's the place for you and so she wason full support but then it's like where's the money idon't want this is expensive you know so i did everything i could i was desperate so i have a passport andwill review when passport get time off work
babysitters it wasn't easy it was notusing them but once you put your mind to something you're desperate yeah you'll get a better idea of my wifesaid to me she can't believe how to get to give us but she you i wanted to get you just don't do thatmuch for just don't have ambition you know what to get off of it is alwayson finally dad job started that and so whathappened you set up work and all that stuff yeah so i is for the finances werereally hard
i email my ass you know if there isanything tuitions or any kind of payment planslike that david told me and said you know get down here as soon as you can do our best to helpyou out you got to come up you know you're in there some money andso i had nobody i was i'm in sales i have some moneyback for kids and wife and for being so i ended up going to my bank and i planfor a personal loan to get the money the canadian currencies of america backversion yeah it's not going right now but i was desperate so i was willing toplay the percentage to get i amazingly
improved a little soon as i got alone i transfer the money the same day withina couple hours and then we actually gave you a payment plan or a payment plan forthe rest of the rest of you do give me your plants want to get a while 2 payments yeah thank you now it's it's our pleasurebecause obviously you're going to be a lot more effective working and like yoursales and so like after in comments just based on how much energy and yourability to bend you just can't think what you're on that they don't you haveno energy like i've done a lot of time in sales and you definitely know whenyou can see the energetic sales people
the people that you want to be aroundthey sell the most and like and now what about your having a treatment what happened with that like deal withthe time easy breezy and you just got done the treatment for me was it was one ofthose you know absolutely the most spiritual things that aregoing through my life i honestly for me how i felt i felt reborn i don't get it she separated for me toowhy my first dose and really i felt like i felt like i had to learn
walking in my arms were is my legs werecreated for two days still a little individual cramps thatreside every day every day is interpreted first holidays for me werehard and i ride a bike ride of emotions and everything and i got homesick they're very good it was tough but isaid i'm here for a reason i'm here is my hand and pulls through it and thatbut the methadone withdrawal was not there the desire to think it was that you hadactually been in trouble for a little bit from the oxy
oh yeah i've been through which alwaysterrible i this is not that this is either i've been through benzo withdrawals too where ive been late for a dose it's terrible this was not that at allafter the first dose it was gone you still have the 18 because your bodyis pushing all that stuff is an intense it's telling me to come here it's aprocess just go okay even you can call andchange your plan early because then changed it back i got that first day we always tellpeople trying to make any decisions that
first couple of its killing figuresalone because it's just you don't know what you don't know what it's going tobe like if he does how do you feel today we're about going to spa what's going on with the spa and sit andspa it talks for talks with my body to feel good feel good had little sleeplast night so i feel good im mean i have had methadone are you monday tuesday wednesdaythursday for days yeah and as a bonus this moment well yeahi've been smoking for fighting again i've got a smoke we don't recommend toeverybody but it's not all this just for
me smoking for me started yeah i never hada smoke until i was two hours my job's real is connected yes wow that's that's crazy i couldn't smokebefore i had my breasts maybe 60 what's that narrows it means going thanks mom remove this isn't it was goodokay you're using this wrong you're awesome and when i striking you're right alonghere we have the picture last stop i wanted to build a new manbut yeah now it's always we always
recommend that people and yeah i know wewere talking about when you go back to get involved with the church and yes try and get some word out there becauseit's just atrocious the more people don't know about this it's really sad i will tell everybodyaction and do everything i can to stay healthy exercise be with my family because of that work yeah just becauseyou're clean doesn't mean the battle is over so onyeah it's going to have to it's going to take some work but this way
it's a lot easier how do you feel aboutyour depression or ptsd lot better a lot better actually real not at all that's awesome yeah that'ssomething we usually have to treat people a little bit longer course that'sreally amazing awesome well you have anything else you want tosay guys if you didn't get this resides withanybody who who feels you're going to what i went through just call the number you will have someanswers with the answer any questions you have for your google got not hot
- i don't have any on the street oranything like that you go to church i don't get it don't yeah i i sell cars in canada normal guy i looked up this websiteagain three four weeks ago here i am i just i put the wheels inmotion i was desperate you're right now it haschanged my life it was again one of the most spiritualawakening most of my life and you're going to see your family tomorrowexcited and can't wait to see my like it's going to be different
hold on little dude you do you look likea completely different person your face is all your color looks good - yeah it's up now awesome thanks so much for help and yafeelin indonesia oh alright next time i'm talking to you husband wipes parents grandparentschildren brothers sisters are you waiting for this disaster and he comeand get the treatment described to us call us we can help you became we canget this disease out of you you're doing it for eight years 3,300people
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