as fast as that money comes is as fast asthat money goes. i was just getting to the point where i couldn’t do it anymore. evenwhen i tried to stop i couldn’t. so i was like mom let me go to rehab voluntarily thistime. and dude, ever since i have been to rehabi have been working this 12-step program and it is saving my life. because where i camefrom i don’t know how i got so many chances. but i guess i go so many chances because iknew i was going to get it right this time. i guess god had a plan for me. going downthat path is not worth it. with all that pleasure comes so much pain.if you just stay sober and work the 12 step program right and get a sponsor, go to meetings,your life will be so much better. you are
going to see a change like your family. youare going to be more a part of the family. you are going to care more.don’t ever forget where you guys came from. everybody here has a different story. everysingle one of you. me and my mom would have family conferences.if you are having a family conference, your parents are going to say everything you didwrong. that’s what they do. that is how parents are. they are going to say everythingthey did wrong. don’t sit there try to sugar coat it and say no i didn’t do that momand it wasn’t like that. just say yes. you have to admit that you were powerlessover the drug. you have to admit that you were powerless and unmanageable because whatyour parents are saying is trying to help
you. you do not have to discredit that. justagree with your parents. they are saying that to help you.don’t get into fights it’s not worth it. be the bigger person.if you don’t get into fights goes a long way. not being written up goes a long way.because your therapists read that every single morning. they have a morning conference andgo over all this stuff and you can get written up. don’t get into arguments. brush it off.i don’t even know you guys but i could tell you guys are a bunch of good people. if youguys really work the 12-step program correctly and take it right and do your step packets,you guys will change. you guys might look at me like i am not going to change. wheni was young there was nothing you could tell
me.if you guys take it seriously, you are going to like your lives much better. hopefullyyou can take this and do something with it.
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