come on up scott scotty well, i don’t even know where to begin. my name’s scott abell, i’m from highlandindiana, i came here on june 6 for alcohol and numerous other substances, and just toget my lifestyle changed. i started young, in high school, um, all my friends were drinking,i grew up in, uh, environments that alcohol was a big form of entertainment and just becamepart of my everyday use. uh, the last few years, i started experimenting with otherdrugs, um, mixing some dangerous combinations from cocaine, pills, uh, i liked the partystyle so i liked to go out at— late at night
so i took whatever kept me up and just oneday, um, realized that i was tired of it, looking at myself in the mirror and saying“you wanna change†and trying to change numerous times on my own, i realized i neededto get some help. pam, thank you, this program’s—it taught me how to be a person again, an honest person, it just hit right here fromthe start, so thank you. anger management helped a lot, i didn’trealize how i built up a lot of anger and dealing with that is gonna help me make betterdecisions in life. uh, for the tracks we do here, holistic really helped me reach outsideof my mental thinking to put my thoughts aside and think a little more about what’s important.connie, my counselor here was amazing. she
was— i was her first patient here, she was,um— and i’m also her first graduate, so um, but she really guided me through so manydifferent aspects in life that it— it made me open up to her like i’ve never openedup to anyone. the rest of the staff, um, you guys have allbeen awesome, i mean, just amazing. anytime i needed help, everyone was there for me. peers are amazing, i— i’m— i’m a prettystubborn person sometimes. i— i kept a pretty positive outlook the whole time i was here,but i spent my whole life worrying about what other people thought about me and what i wassaying, but i’ve learned now i don’t even have to think before i speak, it comes outand it’s the right thing, so, i leaned on
a lot of people and i think when i saw peoplethat needed some help i— you know, i helped pick them up, and just, that— that’s thekey part of this whole treatment, is— is your peers. the rest of the peers i’ve met here, youguys, man, what a journey, huh? it was fun, it was actually fun, i can’t believe it. i have no cravings at all, i mean, and haven’thad one— i’ve only been here forty days at the most and not one. i mean this changedmy life. it was my first treatment ever and it’s gonna be my last and i have no doubtabout it so i just— i’m gonna miss everything about this place. but i’ve— i’ve gota lot of angles i’m gonna go and just continuously
counseling, continue with aa/na meetings,support groups, uh, finding a sponsor, leaning on my friends that have been through recovery.just if you’re unsure about anything and you wanna fix your life for the better and—and do what it takes to get your lifestyle back to where you want it to be, this is theplace to come, i mean they’re— the success rate for this place is the third best in thecountry for a reason and the people here and the staff here are amazing. i— i couldn’timagine sitting in a hospital bed trying to just come off a drug, this— this place isgood even if you weren’t on drugs. i mean it— it made me a totally different person,i mean, i would— like i said, i would sugar coat everything and tell people lie afterlie to cover a lie after lie and i can’t
wait to be honest to someone and finally nothave to worry about what i say and this place just changed my whole life.
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