it is generally agreed that young adults whosuffer from addiction have more difficulty achieving sobriety than their adult counterpartsand therefore need a young adult drug rehab that recognizes there special needs. treating addiction in young people requiresa comprehensive treatment plan that is designed to address the specific issues that youngadults face. research on brain development has shown thatthe young adult brain continues to develop until around the age of 25. research alsoshows that this population has a need to participate in activities that they perceive as risky.this combined with having a decreased ability to control impulses compared to adults, setsthese younger people up for a higher chance
of drug abuse and addiction. a young adult drug rehab needs to have increasedstaff for supervision and monitoring of the daily structured living as compared to a traditionaladult rehab. because a young adult drug addict might experienceissues of delayed development, a rehab should provide treatment activities focusing on developmentalneeds. this will ultimately increase the likelihood of long term recovery success. treating addiction in young people in a youngadult drug rehab or young adult alcohol rehab means understanding what oftentimes makesthis disease more difficult to treat than in their adult counterparts:a young adult's decision making ability is
strongly influenced by their combination oflifestyle choices and drug use. lower tolerance and higher frustration levelsare common in young adult drug users. young adults generally have the need for instantgratification, whereby delaying any gratification is more difficult than in adults.regular use of mind and mood altering drugs can delay normal physical, mental, and emotionaldevelopment. young adults may lack the thinking skillsnecessary to fully understand consequences. coping skills and relationships are oftennegatively affected by drug use in young adults. these young people will often respond wellto the right treatment and proper guidance in regard to healthy with adults, young people often use drugs
to suppress their feelings of anxiety, shameand guilt. many times psychological disorders like depressionand bipolar and others are often diagnosed during time in treatment.inclusion of the family is important when treating young people in a young adult drugrehab. it's important to educate them as to their role in helping the young adult as theyjourney through recovery. young adult drug rehab should include activitiesand outings that specifically address the needs of this younger population like physicalexercise, sports, games, hiking, movies and more.if you ever feel powerless over the constant need for drugs, just know that there is help.doing nothing is not a viable option as this
disease will only get worse if not treated.if you or a loved one has a problem with drugs (or alcohol), recovery can start today. ifyou realize that you're spiraling out of control, take steps now.should you wait until you hit "rock bottom"? no. you may have heard that treatment is onlyeffective when a person has no other choice. not so! actually, the earlier a young adultenters drug rehab, the better chance they have of not harming themselves with destructivebehavior. you can break the cycle of addiction! evenif you feel like your drug abuse is inevitable because your parents were or are addicts,not so! while genetics may play a role, a young adult drug rehab can help you.your drug addiction won't go away just by
willing it away. the longer you use, the moreyour brain changes, making harder and harder to overcome your dependency.even if you've tried a treatment program before and relapsed, there is still hope. a goodyoung adult drug rehab can help you get back on track with your recovery.for more information about treatment in a young adult rehab, for drugs or alcohol, clickon the link below in the description of this video.
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