someone who's addictedto gambling will do anything to gettheir substance of choice, be it gambling in this case. you know, you'll lie,you'll steal, you'll defraud banks. you'll do anything you canto get money, just so you can gamble. i found, for myself, i realizedi was a gambling addict
when i was escaping life. i would just, mindless hoursat a slot machine, just to escapewhat i'm going through on a day-to-day basis, just so i didn'thave to feel anything, much like using drugs. long story short, i amassed abouta six-figure debt before i came into treatment.
that was from both gamblingand substance abuse, and justnot taking care of yourself. i guess,the last night i was out was the last night i used drugs, and the last night i gambled. i woke upin my office parking lot on a tuesday morningat about 4:30, and i was-- i had food all over me,
casino receipts. there were drugs in my car, and people were going to start coming to work soon, and i basicallydidn't even realize how i got there at the time. i just realizedenough was enough, and i just hadthat one moment of clarity where instead of saying thati had to do something about it, i actually did,
and although at the time, once i sobered up a little bit, i realized, "oh, my god,i'm entering treatment," but, well, it saved my life,so i'm glad i'm here. the program at the last doorteaches you there's a communityof recovery out there. they integrate you into society. we're not isolatedin a forest somewhere. we're encouragedto go to n.a. meetings,
i was encouraged to go togamblers anonymous meetings, and, in turn, we meet peoplethat are outside of treatment, that have been cleanfor numerous years, and, in turn, just give youadditional insight and support, and it also makes you realize that you're not alonein this world. that your problemsaren't unique to yourself, and that often makes ita lot easier to identify with, and deal with, for that matter.
i found just by simply working a, really, just a simple programof recovery in my life, things are starting to gointo place here. i'm able to pay down debt. i'm only back to work formaybe a week or two already, and i already feel that i'm going to haveplenty of money to do what i need to doon a day-to-day basis and pay down debt,
and save for my future. i mean, life goes on. i used gambling to escape life. i mean, at one time or another, i was like, "hey, let's gofor the rush of it," but then at the end of the day,i was escaping life. it was a compulsive act for me, much like my drug use, and i don't need to escapethe reality of my life today. the last door,
it enabled me to work onthese things and identifythese kind of issues. take responsibility in my life where i wasn't willingto take responsibility. forgive thingsi wasn't willing to forgive, and, essentially, heal myself.
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