it's never too late to stop thesuffering and end the pain and addiction we offer unique programs withindividualized treatment plans we know that no two people are alike anddifferent people have different treatment needs so we customize your treatment programto ensure the highest success rate for your recovery we pride ourselves on having one of thefinest yet affordable recovery programs in the nation
we offer low-cost treatment withworld-class care and also accept many types have privateinsurance your privacy is assured and yourtreatment is always confidential we maintain the highest levels ofprofessional discretion and privacy are trained counselors are standing byand ready to help you 24 hours per day stop suffering and call the numberlisted now
hi my name is dr. kim mako. i am a holisticchiropractor and certified addictionoligist in san francisco, california and this is howto find an outpatient alcohol treatment program. outpatient treatment programs are usuallynot appropriate for someone who is in need of acute medical detox from alcohol so ifyou are in need of detox then you will need to look for either an inpatient program ora program that offers home health care nurses to come out and do the medical detox to administerit at home. in looking for an outpatient alcohol treatment program you want to make sure thatyou are looking for a program that is taking an integrative approach which means not lookingat just the addiction itself but also taking into account the various psychosocial factorsthat may also be playing a role. so a good
program will also usually involve the familymembers or the significant other because every addict also has an enabler or a codependentand a good program will also take into account factors such as nutrition, diet, and lifestylefactors that can either help or hurt when somebody is battling an addiction. so thoseare some of the things to look for when you are looking for an outpatient alcohol treatmentfacility.
live from the channel 4 studios in boston, this is wbz news at 5:00. investigators say tonight that this man was high on heroin when he caused a deadly chain reaction crash killing a woman who spent years trying to save addicts.
the woman was a retired substance abuse counselor. tonight her family members and friends are furious. but she would have forgiven the driver. beth germano is live in salem, new hampshire. reporter: it's the irony of
the tragedy. at this busy intersection the driver blew through the stop sign, sending a car into the path of the victim. and according to family members, she could have helped him. if she was here today, she
would forgive him. that's the type of person that she was. family of charlene -- by the side of the roadway where she was killed late yesterday afternoon. police say 45-year-old todd gurley turned onto route 111
striking a car and forcing it head on to the vehicle she was a passenger in. he was allegedly high of heroin. it's so ironic. but charlene would say it's the disease, not the person. reporter: the 69-year-old
woman dedicated her life to counseling those struggling with substance abuse. her gift was understanding the struggles and she helped countless people with recovery. she was like a mother figure to the clients here. she brought a lot of compassion
really needed to the clients. reporter: police say gurley was driving with a suspended license and he showed signs of being under the influence. they saw signs of imperimeter, including constricted pupils, slurred speech and a thick tongue.
reporter: it's a mixture of anger and sadness given the dedication to her work and the man charged with her death. someone like that would end her life. reporter: and her husband was behind the wheel of the car.
are you or loved ones struggling with a drugor alcohol addiction? are you unsure where to find help? there is no a safe and sober option for someonelooking for treatment from an addiction. introducing solutions recovery. we are thepremier holistic drug and alcohol rehab center in las vegas. our homes offer comfortable amenities to helpyour loved one stay completely relaxed so they can focus on their recovery. our caring staff is available 24/7, so whenyou're ready to make the choice, we will be there.
solutions recovery offers residential treatment,please call us today. call us anytime at 702-228-8520, or visitour website at
it's never too late to stop the sufferingand end the pain of addiction we offer unique programs with individualizedtreatment plans we know that no two people are alike and differentpeople have different treatment needs so we customize your treatment program toensure the highest success rate for your recovery we pride ourselves on having one of the finestyet affordable recovery programs in the nation we offer low cost treatment with world classcare and also accept many types of private insurance your privacy is assured and your treatmentis always confidential we maintain the highest levels of professionaldiscretion and privacy
our trained counselors are standing by andready to help you 24hours per day stop suffering and call the number listednow.
dextroamphetamine addiction is difficultto treat because tolerance and psychological dependence can beextensive even know when it's used correctly conservatory purpose the moment becomes an addiction theconsequences are rather severe dextroamphetamine is distributed under several brand names such as dexamphetamine, dexedrine and dextrostat. there areseveral signs and symptoms that can result to detect dextroamphetamine abuse irritability nausea hallucinations dry mouth and decreased level of motor skills are typical indications
that dextroamphetamine is becoming thesubstance of addiction. apart from the fact that addition will change numerous mentaland physical attributes. it tends to inflict changes on the personalityas well. just as depression stops person for participating in an activity so does dextroamphetamine abuse. over the course of a couple months it will render a person unwilling tospend time or talk to friends. in addition it will make enjoyable tasksnot worthwhile anymore. contact us today for immediate help
my name's margie spinoza. i'm a registerednurse in florida. i have been for thirty years. i became interested in drug rehabilitationwhen i took a job at a psychiatric facility that had a small rehab unit. their approachto drug rehab was, a lot of times, just replacing a substance abuse with another psychoactivesubstance to control the person's behavior basically.i started looking around for something a little more natural and i heard of narconon and ireally like the narconon approach to drug rehab because it doesn't just say "okay, you'rehooked on this drug, you have the disease, we're going to give you medication." it's,"let's find the root cause of why -- why you're taking drugs, what problem are you tryingto solve?"
the sauna portion of the program is a methodof not only physically detoxifying the body but, as a lot of the students have testifiedto, it detoxifies mentally, emotionally, even spiritually in some cases. the person in thesauna program learns to take responsibility for their own health, they learn to keep therecords of the reactions they're having, the supplements they're taking, and basicallythey're in charge with the guidance of the sauna in-charge. i have seen over 300 peoplethrough the sauna program and i've found it to be, for everyone that goes through it andcompletes it, a life-changing experience. i see people come in a lot of times with a"fix me" attitude -- "i'm messed up, and i don't know what's wrong and i need to be fixed."after going through the sauna program, they're
thinking more clearly there in charge of theirown health and i'm just here to support that - not to fix question that i asked when they first come in the program is: "were you raised withany spiritual or religious beliefs?" and quite often they'll say "well, yeah, but i don'tdo anything with that now." but, sometimes into the program they'll say "i'd like togo back to church, i'd like to reconnect -- or go back to the synagogue." while we are nota faith-based program, we do encourage spiritual expression and i've taken several people tochurch, also to synagogue and enjoy doing it.the sauna program, which usually takes about 3 to 4 weeks of daily sessions in the saunaalso involves taking a specific regimen of
vitamins, minerals, nutrients, oils, and thespecific exercise program. they all work together to help detoxify - in addition to the sweatingout of the toxins - to help detoxify the body. you're basically trying to restore a personback to his normal, natural self.