Wednesday, April 19, 2017

rehabs near me

rehabs near me

my name's margie spinoza. i'm a registerednurse in florida. i have been for thirty years. i became interested in drug rehabilitationwhen i took a job at a psychiatric facility that had a small rehab unit. their approachto drug rehab was, a lot of times, just replacing a substance abuse with another psychoactivesubstance to control the person's behavior basically.i started looking around for something a little more natural and i heard of narconon and ireally like the narconon approach to drug rehab because it doesn't just say "okay, you'rehooked on this drug, you have the disease, we're going to give you medication." it's,"let's find the root cause of why -- why you're taking drugs, what problem are you tryingto solve?"

the sauna portion of the program is a methodof not only physically detoxifying the body but, as a lot of the students have testifiedto, it detoxifies mentally, emotionally, even spiritually in some cases. the person in thesauna program learns to take responsibility for their own health, they learn to keep therecords of the reactions they're having, the supplements they're taking, and basicallythey're in charge with the guidance of the sauna in-charge. i have seen over 300 peoplethrough the sauna program and i've found it to be, for everyone that goes through it andcompletes it, a life-changing experience. i see people come in a lot of times with a"fix me" attitude -- "i'm messed up, and i don't know what's wrong and i need to be fixed."after going through the sauna program, they're

thinking more clearly there in charge of theirown health and i'm just here to support that - not to fix question that i asked when they first come in the program is: "were you raised withany spiritual or religious beliefs?" and quite often they'll say "well, yeah, but i don'tdo anything with that now." but, sometimes into the program they'll say "i'd like togo back to church, i'd like to reconnect -- or go back to the synagogue." while we are nota faith-based program, we do encourage spiritual expression and i've taken several people tochurch, also to synagogue and enjoy doing it.the sauna program, which usually takes about 3 to 4 weeks of daily sessions in the saunaalso involves taking a specific regimen of

vitamins, minerals, nutrients, oils, and thespecific exercise program. they all work together to help detoxify - in addition to the sweatingout of the toxins - to help detoxify the body. you're basically trying to restore a personback to his normal, natural self.

rehabilitation centre for alcohol

rehabilitation centre for alcohol

last door is a long term facility we been in new west for 30 years we got good community support it’s a real open door policy we’re work with my guys are respectful in the community they contribute we’re not in the middle of nowhere that was one of the things we wanted to do

we wanted to do a program that was central because it’s the whole community its everything from the coffee shop to the local meetings, to the gym you make a foot print and you’re part of the community and our style is a community approach its long term, people stay however long they need so for the guys who go back to specific jobs, they might stay three months, other guys might stay 6 and long term could be a year or more it changes things for them

you get time to develop the skills to stay clean rather than just stay clean okay, shake your hand, good luck we really want you to be good at it by the time you’re leaving like if that means, have a relationship, then you start dating while you’re here if it’s to get a new career, then you’re going to be going back to school and explore that when you have that kind of time frame, you can get into those situations with people and if it’s someone who’s coming off the street you pretty much have to help them reinvent their whole life.

they need a new social network they need new friends they often have so much family damage that that alone is going to take alot of work to make some peace and open up the lines of communication and take responsibility we work with couples, women, collaterals, co dependents we work with kids as well we got a youth program

small, 10 to 12 beds, 14 to 19 and our men’s program is integrated in the sense we will work with guy’s wives and the whole family if we have to and we want them to enjoy it not feeling better is not how you’re going to get off drugs to feel better to be happy a spiritual awakening could be as simple as a good night sleep somebody cares, something to eat

not being afraid, living in anxiety, the paranoia you get dirty inside when you use, you know because i have such a diverse group, like i got firefighters here, doctors here, lawyers here, guys who own companies you take a guy off the street and put him in that mix he gets inspired, it elevates him and on the other hand, those guys you know they have to be careful of ego and arrogance and not appreciating what they have and so when we meet in the middle some real good things happen

rehabilitation center

rehabilitation center

- i'm coyote peterson, and today i'm gonna take you behind the scenes at the ohio wildlife center. (percussion music) - the ohio wildlife center was founded in 1984 by dr donald burton, and today i'll be lucky enough to get a first-hand look at how this incredible establishment fosters awareness and appreciation of ohio's

native wildlifethrough rehabilitation, education and wildlife health studies. our first stop would bethe wildlife hospital. this is where the journey begins for any animal that is in trouble. well we must be at the right place because it says, no skunks inside the building. we're gonna head downstairs and see the rehabilitation process of some

of the wild animalsthat live here in ohio. come on, let's goinside and check it out. pretty excited to helprehabilitate some animals today. - hi, i'm dr melinda marksz, and i'm the veterinarian for the ohio wildlife center. - working alongside dr melinda marksz, i was about to get up close with some animals that were recently admitted. - i'm the clinicalveterinarian here at the

ohio wildlife center and i take care of all the injured, orphaned wildlife that come in and provide any veterinarian services that they may need so surgeries, x-rays, medications, anything that they may need prior to release is my job. - great, what sort of stuff are we gonna see today? - we have quite a full hospital. we have some raptors today, some turtles and some baby squirrelsfor you to see.

- ooh, everybody loves baby squirrels. we all know thatturtles are my favorite. alright, let's head downstairs and start taking care of these animals. it's official, today i'm gonna help rehabilitate some animals. - i'm kristi krumlauf, i'm the hospital and pre-releasefacility director. - so what's the first animalthat we're gonna look at today?

- we're gonna be looking at a raccoon that has a fractured jaw so we actually have its mouth taped shut so that we're not injuring it any further and then we have a feeding tube into it. so, we're gonna bring that raccoon out and we're gonna feed it. - cool, let's bring out the raccoon. with kristi carefullyholding this little guy

in place, i'm able togive him some delicious milk formula through a feeding tube. am i going slow enough? - you can go a little bit faster actually. - oh, okay. i don't want it to shoot out his nose. we all know how easy it is to make milk come out your nose. - he's ready to go to sleep now. - yes, he's got a belly full of

milk and it's time for his nap. not too grouchy nowthat he's had his food. so, the tube that was connectedto the end of this syringe, does that go all the waydown into his stomach? - it does, it's something called an e-tube so if an animal has an injury where they're unable to eat, like a jaw fracture, we put a feeding tube inso that we can maintain their calorie requirements while they're healing.

- very cool. next we will look at a red-shouldered hawk who's suffering from a broken wing. - you definitely have to be careful of the talons, so that's the bird's weapon. - dr marksz checks to make sure that everything is healing properly. - yeah, we definitely want to keep his head covered for the most part whilewe're doing the exam.

- and then comes my part, more feeding. mmm, delicious hawk food. only this time it's rat livers. nothing is more appetizing to a hawk than fresh rat livers. ooh, that's good, isn't it? - yeah, he's probably ready for another. - putting cut-up rodentliver down the throat of a red-shouldered hawk, now that's something you haven't done every day.

it's cool to feel the meat just build up in its crop and it's neat how you feel once it's the size of a golf ball, you know it's had enough to eat and it will slowly digest that food. last, but certainly not least, is probably the most adorable little critter you have ever seen. holy cow, that is a tiny squirrel. get your camera over here and look at this. he doesn't even have any fur yet.

it's a baby eastern gray squirrel. look at that little guy. he's so little, his eyes aren't even open. so, how do you feed a baby squirrel? - we feed our squirrelswith a syringe and a synthetic nipple on the end. so this guy.. - is that a synthetic squirrel nipple? - this is a synthetic squirrel nipple.

you can use them forkittens and puppies too. the squirrel's usually pretty good eaters so they latch on to it, and they take to it pretty well the first couple of times. - this is not what i imagined when you said cute. this is like cute times ten. a little more pedialytefrom an eye dropper, and this future tree climber is ready for his nap. rest well, littlesquirrel if i could put

you in my pocket and keep you forever, i totally would. but one day, you will return to the wild. so that's how you feed a baby squirrel with a syntheticsquirrel nipple. the hospital is where animals come to get fixed up, and before they can return to the wild they must first recuperate at the pre-release facility. this location allows animals to re weather, forage for food and recondition their muscles.

we aren't allowed toget up close with any of these animals because the goal is to keep them wild. and aclimating to humans, or cameras for that matter, would be exactly the opposite. today, we actually have a great blue heron that is going to be able to be released back into the wild and we're going to get to be a part of that today, right? - yeah, we do have a heron that i was able to capture yesterday that was entrapped into a restaurant that

had an outdoor pool and volleyball court so we are going to be able to get that guy back outside today. he's just a little tiredafter trying to escape the nets of the volleyball courts. - while the majority of the animals do make full recoveries and return to the wild, there are a few that will never be able to survive on their own and must now become ambassadors for their species.

these animals reside atthe education facility. the last stop on ourtour and the place where some incredible ohio species now live full time and have adapted to being around humans. - i'm barbara ray, the wildlife education director here at the ohiowildlife center. alright, so we have someanimals that are not releasable because they have some sort of permanent disability that prevents them from surviving

on their own and during their rehabilitation process it becomes apparent thatthese animals are pretty adaptable to being in captivity. and the purpose ofthese animals then is to get them up close to people, help people become a little bit more aware of what lives in their neighborhood and learn how to peacefully co-exist with animals. and really, the best wayto help people be able

to do that is to spelltheir fears about these animals and show them that these animals aren't out to get us atall, they're just going about their business just like you and i. - so the animals here basically cannot be released back into the wild and they become ambassadors and educational representatives for the work that you guys do here. - that's right.

owc is a non profit organization and every year their incredible staffand countless volunteers work around the clock to treat nearly 5,000 injured, orphaned, or sick wild animals. the ohio wildlife center is open to the public on select days throughout the year. if you're in central ohio and want to get up close with some of our amazing local species, this is totally the place to do it.

i can't thank you guys enough for having us out here today and taking us on the rehabilitation trail. i'm coyote peterson, be brave, stay wild. we'll see you on the next adventure. (soft music) - if you thought that was an amazing animal encounter, make sure to check out these other videos and don't forget, subscribe to follow me and the crew on this season of breaking trail.

(bird calling)



at the end, a typical pattern for me was that i would go down to the store, all the local storesincluding the big grocery stores knew me by name and i we go in there and i would buy a36 pack. it was always between 30 and 40 beers and just kept going... kept going and the next day, i'd start over. "you need to get help. you need to get help. we're not coming back into your life until you get help." i didn't want help... but it was that day

i didn't want alcohol either. i just knew it was tough because... i mean... it was embarrassing. i'd go to the store and the guys that knew me and i'd always joke around with... instead of just handing them money, i started realizing, it was like i was epileptic. you were shaking? oh yeah. it was bad. i realized it took over and iwas scared. i was scared to stop. i was scared to go on... if that makes any kind of sense. i was kind of in a

mental, spiritual and physical limbowhere it's the why and what next always plagued me and now i knew i had to do something, but at the time i was 32 years old and i thought... you know feel like a race horse, strong out of the gate and then didn't finish for anything... it was right in the middle of the race i got crippled, laid up and someone was about to come put me down... is basically felt. kory brought me up here and

basically check me into the the detoxhouse. i learned all this after, i didn't knowreally where i was at the time other than a nice cabin and we set up an appointment to goto the doctor the next day. i remember that there was staffthat would just come check on me and they were very gracious, like it was almost like you're going to a relative you haven't seen in a long time, where you're not going to get a hug but anything you want the fridge, you're welcome to it. my biggest

advocate was the counselor that i had assigned to me or however itworks where rick i remember like we laughed a lotand he was a straight shooter. it wasn't one of those, "here's a lemon wedge for your water", he didn't care about that. he wanted to make sure that myhead was right and this is what's gonna happen and you know, you've already embarrassed yourself. so they took that element away, you know, we don't have embarrassment. this is you moving forward, thisis the life that you chose

and i remember just having it where i wasable to communicate talk and i trusted him because he wastransparent. he didn't hide anything from us, it wasn'tlike... i didn't feel like "here's a file" or "here, oh you're screwed up". you know? it was funny because irealized, me and everyone in the group... we didn't say anything surprised anybody. our behavior, abhorrent as it was, wasn't something that was new and i was an iconoclast, i was fitting into a

typical mold where, you need help... good for you... you came to see us!

rehab for alcoholics near me

rehab for alcoholics near me

i was on a bus going to work, dope sick andready to commit suicide the day before. alcohol was always on the table, benzodiazepines,i really enjoyed crystal meth and cocaine. during the end the typical day would be tryingto get something down and going to the bathroom and just dry heave, eyes watering and lookingin that mirror and saying "what the hell are you doing?... what the hell are you doing?" when someone comes into the treatment center,they are completely broken. they are ashamed, they've hit the bottom. i remember sitting there and researching rehabsonline, and thinking "i can't believe that

i have to do this... i'm not that person, you know? i am so much better than this. how can this be happening to me?" you can see everybody's pain and tears andhow you're tearing everybody apart and it hurts... but you don't know how to stop. i called my mom and i could not stop crying. i could not. every time i would hear her voice i couldnot stop freaking crying.

at that point she said "okay, we need youto get help." the next day i was in above it all. you need to have someone to be there for you. it's hand in hand. someone to pick you up when you are aboutready to fall and you don't think you can go any further. and i'll be there to give you that hand. your best thing is what got you in all thattrouble. so you have to take some kind of directionfrom somebody that's walked this path before

you. for an addict to live in the developmentalstages of recovery, to live without substances... illicit substances is very difficult. it's like a mountain climber climbing a frigidmountain without any tools. so essentially, i come in and i provide thosetools. the first little while, that's very difficult. there's all these emotions that start comingback, you start feeling things and you just want to numb those feelings. you know?

that's very hard in the initial 30, 60, 90days is very hard because you get off the drugs and then your feelings start comingback and you are thinking about all the things you've done and all the people you've hurtand then it really hurts you, you know? kory is, he is, phenomenal. he goes so far and above and beyond what isrequired. he wants everyone to have the ultimate experience. within two days you start to see a difference. within a week a huge difference and in justa matter of days or weeks it's totally amazing. totally amazing.

if you don't want that feeling of hopelessnessand dispair, above it all saved my life. make the call and you know, jump in with bothfeet. you're a beautiful person and you deserveto have a new life and have an experience. all you have to do is make the call, you know? all you have to do is make the call and it'llsave your life.

rehab facilities

rehab facilities

[atlanta drug rehab music] one of the unique features here is what wecall the path to recovery. it's a cobblestone sidewalk that winds throughoutthe property over the top of cascading rivers that run through, it interacts and intersects with fountainson the premises that are made of copper that have statues of children climbing ladders, there's a gorgeous gazebo,it's a beautiful place to be. >> woman in recovery: my life after treatment,is amazing! it's like night and day. i'm trusted now.

>> drug treatment center staff one of thethings i've always believed is that for a patient or client to walk into a facility,at the door, that is their first experience of how doesthis treatment facility respect me as a human being. >> alcohol rehab spokesperson: if you arewatching this video, and considering treatment, we encourage you to pick up the phone andcall us now. see what it's all about.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

rehab facilities near me

rehab facilities near me

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