my name is damien and i've been sober fornearly 5 months. i got started using, drinking hanging outwith friends a little older than me, it just kind of happened. i was 15 years old wheni started using, pretty much started everything at the same time.meth-amphetamines was the drug started on, i started using with older guys that werealready out of school, and then shortly i was out of school. it didn't take long forme to say, you know, i don't want to go anymore. so i would say months after me starting, iwas already done, dropped out of school. oh, uh, that lead to 20 continuous years ofusing, jail a bunch of times, run-ins with the law, fines, jobs, missing out on a lotof possible opportunities in life. rocky relations
with my family, which is a small family, whichis one of my biggest regrets, thankfully that's back in my life, but a lot of bad things cameout of it but nothing good. it had been popping in and out over the last,it started about, actually i told myself if i was still using when i turned 30 i had aproblem and i'd probably be using for the rest of my life. i turned 30 and that cameand went, got to about 32 and then started juggling the idea of really wanting to quitand not being able to. and it got to me nearly losing a great job that i've had for the last11 years, which is my life, nearly losing that job to finally saying, all right i'vegot to do something about this. so i actually contacted my work and told them, and theyturned me on to the program and it was the
best decision i've ever made in my life.everything is just, i've been a positive person my whole life, except when i'm in the dumpsabout being depressed and being on drugs, and now that that is out of the equation,my life is great right now. they thought i was crazy like, why is this guy so happy,and i was just so relieved, i've finally got somewhere and i felt like the demons had beenlifted off my shoulders. i was finally doing something about my addiction, not just tryingto do it on my own because i was failing. so yea, the program was a god send.
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