i'd say i started getting addicted by thetime i was 8 years old you know. i started smoking marijuana and i had seen some thinggrouping up. like my family members all they did was drugs, my uncle use to have theseheroin parties and everybody would get high and when you group as a child and see thatit unfortunately become apart of my life. i was always scared to shot drugs but thatdid not stop me from smoking and sniffing or nothing like that. what was it like whenyou first got to ambrosia treatment centers? well when i first got here," it was like mani'm all the way in florida and i can't escape if i want too". the experience was like, ican't explain it, it was eye opening because the consolers and the staff at the ambrosiatreatment centers showed me a whole new world.
where it let me know that life can be betterif i do what they suggest. they did not tell me what to do, but they made suggestions andi followed those suggestions. what was your ambrosia treatment centers therapist like?what is dottie like? she cares, she cares about the way you live your life. how it changesand she gets you to dig deep down inside and come up with the stuff that's been hidingfor so long that you really need to talk about. once i was able to do that things changedfor me. the ambrosia treatment centers!
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