managing an overdose of any kind for a friendor loved one can have long-term effects on their bodies as well as the relationshipsthey hold with one another. if you believe you have a friend who has become addictedto using and abusing cocaine, there are a few options to help keep the overdose in itstracks and to help in getting your friend the assistance they need not to succumb tothe cocaine overdose itself. common signs and symptoms of a cocaine overdosesocial withdrawal is common among users and individuals who prefer to spend time alonewith their drug of choice. understanding different physical withdrawal symptoms is a must, whetheryou have chosen to work with an interventionist or if you are opting for both inpatient- andoutpatient-care facilities.
irritability and mood swings are also prevalentin those who are adamant that they do not have an addiction or if they are simply lookingfor their next “high.†stealing money or finding valuables in yourhome missing are also signs of substance abuse, whether it is being used to purchase cocaineor other goods. the inability of the abuser to tell the truth,look you in the eye or simply talk about the subject may also become taboo in a householdwhere he or she is abusing cocaine but is unwilling to come forward and talk about it.another sign is the abuser’s inability to hold down jobs consistently, as this is commonin most who abuse substances. increased energy and feelings of euphoriaare also common with the use of cocaine.
if the abuser is your child, it is essentialto monitor his or her time and whereabouts at all times. giving your child a cell phoneto check in and completing a drug test of your own when they return can help to keepthe acting out and drug use to a minimum. if you have a loved one who you believe maybe on the verge of a cocaine overdose themselves, give us a call now for more information onthe crisis you are facing each day.
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