Monday, March 13, 2017

alcohol and drug addiction

alcohol and drug addiction

hi, my name is john depalma from new yorkcity on behalf of expert village i'm here today to help you recognize drug and alcoholaddiction. now turning with withdraw, which most people associate with somebody who istrying to quit and going through withdraw. addicts and alcoholics go through withdrawon a day to day basis in between their fixes. an alcoholic who drinks all night, goes homegoes to bed and wakes up, he needs that next drink, that's his withdraw time. the timefrom when he wakes up to when he gets in front of that bar again and gets his next drink.someone using cocaine when they run out of money, when they run out of drug, their withdrawtime is until they can score again. same thing with heroin users and many other drug users.some drugs withdraw is not as great as others,

but withdraw time is a drug addicts worsenightmare and it's the time that you can probably see the drug addiction the most in these are the times when you can see who they really are and see what you need to lookout for.

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