hi my name is dr. kim mako. i am a holisticchiropractor and certified addictionoligist in san francisco, california and this is howto find an outpatient alcohol treatment program. outpatient treatment programs are usuallynot appropriate for someone who is in need of acute medical detox from alcohol so ifyou are in need of detox then you will need to look for either an inpatient program ora program that offers home health care nurses to come out and do the medical detox to administerit at home. in looking for an outpatient alcohol treatment program you want to make sure thatyou are looking for a program that is taking an integrative approach which means not lookingat just the addiction itself but also taking into account the various psychosocial factorsthat may also be playing a role. so a good
program will also usually involve the familymembers or the significant other because every addict also has an enabler or a codependentand a good program will also take into account factors such as nutrition, diet, and lifestylefactors that can either help or hurt when somebody is battling an addiction. so thoseare some of the things to look for when you are looking for an outpatient alcohol treatmentfacility.
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