Monday, April 24, 2017

treatment facilities

treatment facilities

[atlanta drug rehab music] one of the unique features here is what wecall the path to recovery. it's a cobblestone sidewalk that winds throughoutthe property over the top of cascading rivers that run through, it interacts and intersects with fountainson the premises that are made of copper that have statues of children climbing ladders, there's a gorgeous gazebo,it's a beautiful place to be. >> woman in recovery: my life after treatment,is amazing! it's like night and day. i'm trusted now.

>> drug treatment center staff one of thethings i've always believed is that for a patient or client to walk into a facility,at the door, that is their first experience of how doesthis treatment facility respect me as a human being. >> alcohol rehab spokesperson: if you arewatching this video, and considering treatment, we encourage you to pick up the phone andcall us now. see what it's all about.

treatment centers

treatment centers

today we are actually located at western regionalmedical center, which is found in the west valley of phoenix. it’s nestled betweenmultiple mountain ranges which provides a very scenic and a very healing place for ourpatients while they are treated. we have a mother standard of care here. when a patientwalks through the door we want them to feel like family. we treat them like anybody’smother, brother, father, or sister. we know that it’s our stakeholders, our employees,who deliver the care that we expect and the standards that we expect. they want to understandtheir benefits. they want to understand the options that are out there for them. the hrintouch site really allows us the chance to provide all of that information in one site.i am the benefits specialist for ctca. our

experience with benefitfocus has been verypositive. the hr intouch site is very innovative and it’s very different from what we’veseen on the market. it really allows an organization the ability to take that site and make ittheir own, which you don’t see with a lot of other benefits platforms. i think for anorganization, being able to make something your own and brand it the way that your employeesor stakeholders need to see, is key. [jonathon funston]at ctca, i am the corporate manager of health and wellness. i centrally organize our healthofferings and incentive designs for our 5200 stakeholders at five sites and three corporateoffices. we can offer a world of benefits, and tools, and resources, and information,but without a tool like hr intouch that is

central and organizes everything it reallybecomes disparate offerings that will never get the penetration or the utilization thatwe really need to drive the intact. we went through an rfp process when we wereselecting our benefit vendor and benefitfocus gave us everything we were looking for. wewere really looking for someone with that unique culture and most importantly someonewho’s very innovative and very technologically advanced. benefitfocus brought all of thatto us. implementation of any new product is very complicated, especially a benefits product.our implementation team at benefitfocus really worked hand in hand with ctca to make surethat our implementation went smoothly and it really did feel like that collaborativepartnership to talk through best practices

and to make sure that what we were implementingwas best for ctca. ctca is a very unique organization. you walk in and it doesn’t feel like a’s very supportive, it’s very collaborative, it’s very team spirited. we went out tobenefitfocus and that’s exactly what we saw. we really saw a collaborative environment,a very team-focused environment, and very much a family setting and that is what wewere looking for in a partner. we’ve really been able to use the hr intouch site to educatestakeholders about what we are offering, about what plans we have at their fingertips sothat they have the knowledge that ctca is offering great benefit packages. prior tolaunching hr intouch, we had about 59% of our stakeholders that were enrolled in ourhigh deductible plan. since launching the

site, this year with hr intouch we’ve gottenthat number up to 70%. we’ve heard nothing but positive feedback. we’ve heard thatthe site is very easy to use from a navigation perspective. i would say that we get a lotless questions than we may have had in the experience with our program management with benefitfocus has really been first class.they’re always transparent and authentic and willing to collaborate and be our partners. benefitfocus has really worked with us handin hand throughout the process and helped us understand best practices. it is definitelya partnership that we are looking forward to in many years to come. i think that benefitfocusreally provides a very innovative and very

technologically advanced solution that you’renot going to find on the market.

treatment centers near me

treatment centers near me

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