Tuesday, April 11, 2017

holistic drug treatment

holistic drug treatment

serenity point has just saved me. i'm extremely happy here and the staff is awesome the groups are--- they get--- they let you think your way through it. you know? it's like, they don't tell you "okay, black-and-white says you gotta do this, this, and this." it's like "okay, here it is, now what would you do with this?" "in a s--- sober environment?" and they make you think about it, and if you think about it, and you process it,

it'll become part of you. um, you got people from all over the united states here that have a different story, that you have different, you know, addictions. but in the end, we're all here to--- to rehab and get over our addiction. yeah today, i'm thirty days clean. and i feel good. they've been real good with me at serenity here,

feeding me good, getting me back into a routine, and uh, you know, looks like when i get back into society, as long as i do my part, you know, i still have my wife, my daughter, and my job to go back to.

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