Wednesday, April 19, 2017

rehabs near me

rehabs near me

my name's margie spinoza. i'm a registerednurse in florida. i have been for thirty years. i became interested in drug rehabilitationwhen i took a job at a psychiatric facility that had a small rehab unit. their approachto drug rehab was, a lot of times, just replacing a substance abuse with another psychoactivesubstance to control the person's behavior basically.i started looking around for something a little more natural and i heard of narconon and ireally like the narconon approach to drug rehab because it doesn't just say "okay, you'rehooked on this drug, you have the disease, we're going to give you medication." it's,"let's find the root cause of why -- why you're taking drugs, what problem are you tryingto solve?"

the sauna portion of the program is a methodof not only physically detoxifying the body but, as a lot of the students have testifiedto, it detoxifies mentally, emotionally, even spiritually in some cases. the person in thesauna program learns to take responsibility for their own health, they learn to keep therecords of the reactions they're having, the supplements they're taking, and basicallythey're in charge with the guidance of the sauna in-charge. i have seen over 300 peoplethrough the sauna program and i've found it to be, for everyone that goes through it andcompletes it, a life-changing experience. i see people come in a lot of times with a"fix me" attitude -- "i'm messed up, and i don't know what's wrong and i need to be fixed."after going through the sauna program, they're

thinking more clearly there in charge of theirown health and i'm just here to support that - not to fix question that i asked when they first come in the program is: "were you raised withany spiritual or religious beliefs?" and quite often they'll say "well, yeah, but i don'tdo anything with that now." but, sometimes into the program they'll say "i'd like togo back to church, i'd like to reconnect -- or go back to the synagogue." while we are nota faith-based program, we do encourage spiritual expression and i've taken several people tochurch, also to synagogue and enjoy doing it.the sauna program, which usually takes about 3 to 4 weeks of daily sessions in the saunaalso involves taking a specific regimen of

vitamins, minerals, nutrients, oils, and thespecific exercise program. they all work together to help detoxify - in addition to the sweatingout of the toxins - to help detoxify the body. you're basically trying to restore a personback to his normal, natural self.

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