I was on a bus going to work, dope sick and ready to commit suicide the day before. Alcohol was always on the table, benzo diazepines, I really enjoyed crystal meth and cocaine. During the end the typical day would be trying to get something down and going to the bathroom and just dry heave, eyes watering and looking in that mirror and saying "what the hell are you doing?... what the hell are you doing?" when someone comes into the treatment center, they are completely broken. they are ashamed, they've hit the bottom. i remember sitting there and researching rehabs online, and thinking "i can't believe that i have to do this... i'm not that person, you know? i am so much better than this. how can this be happening to me?" you can see everybody's pain and tears and how you're tearing everybody apart and it hurts... but you don't know how to stop. i called my mom and i could not stop crying. i could not. every time i would hear her voice i could not stop freaking crying.
at that point she said "okay, we need you to get help." the next day i was in above it all. you need to have someone to be there for you. it's hand in hand. someone to pick you up when you are about ready to fall and you don't think you can go any further. and i'll be there to give you that hand. your best thing is what got you in all that trouble. so you have to take some kind of direction from somebody that's walked this path before you. For an addict to live in the developmental stages of recovery, to live without substances... illicit substances is very difficult. it's like a mountain climber climbing a frigid mountain without any tools. so essentially, i come in and i provide those tools. the first little while, that's very difficult. there's all these emotions that start coming back, you start feeling things and you just want to numb those feelings. you know?
that's very hard in the initial 30, 60, 90days is very hard because you get off the drugs and then your feelings start comingback and you are thinking about all the things you've done and all the people you've hurtand then it really hurts you, you know? kory is, he is, phenomenal. he goes so far and above and beyond what isrequired. he wants everyone to have the ultimate experience. within two days you start to see a difference. within a week a huge difference and in justa matter of days or weeks it's totally amazing. totally amazing.
if you don't want that feeling of hopelessnessand dispair, above it all saved my life. make the call and you know, jump in with bothfeet. you're a beautiful person and you deserveto have a new life and have an experience. all you have to do is make the call, you know?
at that point she said "okay, we need you to get help." the next day i was in above it all. you need to have someone to be there for you. it's hand in hand. someone to pick you up when you are about ready to fall and you don't think you can go any further. and i'll be there to give you that hand. your best thing is what got you in all that trouble. so you have to take some kind of direction from somebody that's walked this path before you. For an addict to live in the developmental stages of recovery, to live without substances... illicit substances is very difficult. it's like a mountain climber climbing a frigid mountain without any tools. so essentially, i come in and i provide those tools. the first little while, that's very difficult. there's all these emotions that start coming back, you start feeling things and you just want to numb those feelings. you know?
that's very hard in the initial 30, 60, 90days is very hard because you get off the drugs and then your feelings start comingback and you are thinking about all the things you've done and all the people you've hurtand then it really hurts you, you know? kory is, he is, phenomenal. he goes so far and above and beyond what isrequired. he wants everyone to have the ultimate experience. within two days you start to see a difference. within a week a huge difference and in justa matter of days or weeks it's totally amazing. totally amazing.
if you don't want that feeling of hopelessnessand dispair, above it all saved my life. make the call and you know, jump in with bothfeet. you're a beautiful person and you deserveto have a new life and have an experience. all you have to do is make the call, you know?
All you have to do is make the call and it'llsave your life.
Profound Treatment Center can help you overcome alcohol and drug addiction. If you see that your loved one is suffering from addiction, then they need help from a rehab center. Don't wait, save his life!