what is your role here at solutions recovery?my name is jessica poole and i'm the billing and collectors coordinator here.does insurance cover treatment? yes they do, in fact, we deal with severaldifferent insurance companies throughout the valley, and most of them do cover the treatmenthere. what insurances do you accept?we accept blue cross blue shield, etna, signa, beachst., united healthcare, hbi and those are major insurance companies we deal with here.
Friday, March 31, 2017
drug rehab in pa
you hear things about this place, and so isaid to myself, cause i hit the absolute rock bottom, and i needed to change myself or elseit was going to be a very hard path. and so i made a choice to transfer here, and instantlyas soon as i came here, like, it was just amazing. like, everyone greeted me with openarms and at a point where i couldn’t accept love even from myself, or from another humanbeing, and they’re still giving it to me. i’ve been to treatment a couple times. i’vebeen in recovery pretty much since i was eighteen. i’ve lost a lot of friends to this, i’vealmost kind of lost myself to it. if i were to give advice to someone who is looking togo to rehab, or even considers the possibility that they need to go to rehab; if you considerit, you most likely need to. and just take
the leap, because it’s not worth it. i mean,here i sit a person who has lost literally everything. possessions, family, sanity, everything.and somehow this place has made me a happier person today. i think that the decision to go to treatmentis obviously a big one, but when you’re dealing with addicts, i think, you know, theirmind can change pretty quick. and the way that we work, getting them as quickly as possible,and making sure we react on that right decision that they made to go to treatment, is a prettybig deal, and you know, we do that pretty quick, and get them a ticket. sometimes evenfour or five hours after they made the phone call. usually, i would say nine times outof ten, they get on the plane the same day.
things i feel like a rehab really needs isjust a caring, honest staff. really, i mean that makes a huge difference because honestly,at the end of the day you can’t control who comes in here, what walks of life they’refrom, how they’ve been raised and things like that, so staff who knows or has dealtwith it first hand is always better. and if they haven’t, then you can also get somethingfrom that as long as they’re supportive towards you. and i finished smart recoverylast week and decided to take another program. and that is just, that’s great because ifelt i wasn’t ready and so they’re not going to be like ‘well, okay, time to go!’you know what i mean? and that’s just facts that they do care.
i think the main reason we’re a little bitbetter than other rehab facilities is because of the program options that we have. there’sthree main ones that you can choose: smart recovery, applied communications is reallygood too, and then we have a bunch of different tracks of twelve steps as well that you cando, from traditional to all the way to native american, buddhist even. some of my favorite programs to go to aredefinitely music, i’m in there quite frequently. i haven’t played the drums in six years,and i got in there, and it came right back to me. it really made me want to create musicagain like i used to. and native american track, i’ve been raised in indigenous lifemy whole growing up, so then getting back
here and getting more in touch with thoseroots, and remembering the simple things that you picked up as you were a kid. things likethat. and i just feel like it’s conducive to my recovery. everybody who i know personallywho’s come here said nothing but great things about it, they loved it, they’re still doingwell in recovery today, so i figured that’s where i need to go. that’s where i haveto go. because i don’t have more chances at all, i don’t. it’s time to get it right.